Our support conditions

A support contract is valid for the period of 1 year and starts at the invoice date by Professional Development Systems or stated differently on the invoice.

• The invoice number is also the support contract number.

• The contract will be renewed automatically for the same period of 1 year. The contract can be terminated 1 month before the renewal date.

• Right and entitlement of support based on the contract is limited by the person or persons with the function description as communicated upon contract agreement.

• In case of a long term absence/change of functions of the concerning person, then the support rights and entitlements can be transferred to the replacement person/successor of the former contact person. 

• The end-user is obligated to inform PDS of a change/replacement of the contact details when support is desired.

• PDS is reserving/claiming the rights to refer to the latest version of the latest software builds where the concerning issues are solved.

• Email support is unlimited. However, PDS is reserving/claiming the rights, to deliver support under well substantiated reasons and in optimal dialog with the end-user/customer PDS consultancy for the standard consultancy rates. This will always be pre-communicated with the end-user/customer.

• In all other cases, which are not mentioned in these support conditions, the general terms, provisions and conditions for the: delivery, services, maintenance on the programs and the continuation of the user rights as communicated by ICT Netherlands apply.

• Exceptions: questions that will not be treated based on the PDS Support contract 

o Support questions of a different nature then determined in the PDS Support Contract agreed upon

o Programming tasks or questions that in the estimation of PDS, are related to substantive work activities

o Questions that do not relate to the product for which the contract has been concluded

o Questions asked by a person other than the person in whose name the contract was concluded.

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